Matthew Keech

Exercise Physiologist

I work at:

Services I provide include:

Matt: Architect of Athletic Potential and Inclusive Wellness

👨‍⚕️ Role: Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Sport Scientist at The Biomechanics

🔬 Interests: Strength Training, Sports-Specific Training, Chronic Pain, Neurological Conditions

🎓 Specialty: Making Exercise Enjoyable and Result-Driven

About Matt:If you're seeking an exercise journey that's as enjoyable as it is transformative, Matt is your go-to expert. With a passion for tailoring sports-specific training to individual needs, Matt creates a welcoming atmosphere where every session feels rewarding. His expertise shines in dealing with sporting injuries, chronic pain, and neurological conditions.

Qualifications:Matt holds a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science and a Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology. He's also completed specialized courses in traumatic brain injury and biopsychosocial approaches to pain.

Professional Achievements:

  • Advanced courses in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Specialized training in biopsychosocial approaches to Low Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain

What Sets Him Apart:What makes Matt unique is his commitment to client-centric care. He believes each session should not just advance you toward your goals, but also make you feel listened to, understood, and eager for what comes next.

Booking:Feel empowered in your wellness journey with Matt's innovative and personalized approaches. Book an appointment to experience the fusion of fun and functionality in exercise.

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Our services are backed by years of experience

Our services are backed by years of experience, providing personalised care, expert guidance, and inclusive support to meet your unique health needs. Trust us for comprehensive and reliable healthcare.

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From pain relief to fitness, we offer a full range of services to support your health journey.

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