Cleopatra the kelpie

Top Dog

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Cleo: Director of First Impressions and Belly Rubs

🐾 Role: Chief Welcoming Officer, Personal Escort from Lift to Lap
🍖 Interests: Belly Rubs, Snack Quality Control, Advanced Lying Techniques
🎓 Specialty: Generating Instant Smiles and Dispensing Tail Wags

About Cleo:

Cleo is not your ordinary welcome wagon; she's the "Beyoncé of Belly Rubs," the "Czarina of Cuddles," and the "Pooch of Pizzazz." When you step out of the lift, expect a royal escort to the prime belly-rubbing real estate (it changes daily, based on her mood). She has a PhD in "Puppy Dog Eyes" from the University of Gianni’s Heart and is working on her second dissertation titled, "How to Look Cute While Doing Absolutely Nothing."

What Sets Her Apart:

If you're feeling anxious about your appointment, Cleo is certified in "Fur Therapy," which involves letting her sit at your feet and absorbing all your worries through her fur (Disclaimer: This is not scientifically proven, but it sure feels like it). She's also a part-time snack critic; if you have treats, expect an honest woofview!

Off The Clock:

When she's not being the furry face of our clinic, Cleo enjoys long naps, chasing her tail, and culinary experiments that involve stealing a bite from Gianni’s plate when he's not looking.

Pro Tip:

Always carry snacks; Cleo approves and it might get you extra wag points on your next visit!

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